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I bought my first camera in 1975 and started taking pictures of friends at school. 

the pictures were pretty terrible but their impact 45 years later when I posted them on a Facebook group page was partly of amazement that these period pieces had survived.


But also that I had taken  so many.

There was one picture from that time that has stayed with me. It had a lasting impact and not just because I was the subject! It was taken by a press photographer at a rugby match. Of course it was flattering to see me (Note that it never appeared in any newspaper!)  but I still remember the envy I had at that time that the photographer had got in so close  and caught a moment so well. When I look at it I can still see the view I had as I looked up the pitch

With that photograph I was so comprehensively hooked, nearly half a century later I still take hundreds of pictures a year and a few of them are OK! 


A few people have asked if I would sell them copies, so I thought I'd get some out there.

I hope you enjoy them!


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